
While this image is hard to look at, it is a real image of someone’s family home.

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This is a current image of a home occupied by a low-income family and is one of many in Lowndes County, Alabama. This is one of the families on our housing program waitlist for trailer replacement and a new septic system.

Our programs benefit limited-income families and are based on household income.  Our program goals are aimed at eliminating hazardous housing conditions and environmental as it relates to wastewater management.


Housing Rehabilitation
Trailer Home Replacement
New Septic Tank

The Housing Rehabilitation Program addresses structural, plumbing, electrical, and water wells in Lowndes County. Program priorities include families with limited income, disabled, and senior citizens.





The Trailer Home Replacement Program helps homeowners living in dilapidated mobile homes that are unrepairable. This program is also income-based.






The Septic Tank Program addresses the critical systemic need for septic systems to safely and appropriately manage household wastewater.

Educational Community Outreach

Community Outreach Education supports pre- and post-program participation.

To ensure program fairness, LCUWP determines program enrollment priority based on the level of health risk to the family and income. Income determination is in strict guidelines of the U.S. Department of HUD for the State of Alabama.

Programs provided by LCUWP are from government grants and generous donations from businesses and individuals.